
IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, Jun. 2020

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.14
A Digital Perspective on Machine Tool Calibration
Benjamin Montavon, Philipp Dahlem, Martin Peterek, and Robert H. Schmitt
machine tool calibration, internet of production, computational manufacturing
No.2 5 Vol.14
Identification Method of Error Motions and Geometric Errors of a Rotary Axis by R-Test
Takaaki Kenno, Ryuta Sato, Keiichi Shirase, Shigemasa Natsume, and Henny Spaan
five-axis machine tools, rotary axis, error motion, geometric error, R-test
No.3 3 Vol.14
Automating Accuracy Evaluation of 5-Axis Machine Tools
Guido Florussen, Koen Houben, Henny Spaan, and Theresa Spaan-Burke
5-axis machine tools, machine correction, metrology, non-contact
No.3 4 Vol.14
Impact of Model Complexity in the Monitoring of Machine Tools Condition Using Volumetric Errors
Kanglin Xing, J. R. R. Mayer, and Sofiane Achiche
machine tool, condition monitoring, volumetric error, SAMBA method
No.3 7 Vol.14
Calibration Method of Parallel Mechanism Type Machine Tools
Keisuke Nagao, Nobuaki Fujiki, Yoshitaka Morimoto, and Akio Hayashi
parallel mechanism machine tool, calibration, forward kinematics, AACMM, XMINI
No.4 2 Vol.14
Machining Tests to Evaluate Machine Tool Thermal Displacement in Z-Direction: Proposal to ISO 10791-10
Soichi Ibaraki and Rin Okumura
machine tools, thermal deformation, machining test
No.5 5 Vol.14
Dynamic Interaction Between Precision Machine Tools and Their Foundations
Bernd W. Peukert and Andreas Archenti
dynamic interaction, machine tool foundation, scale model, operational deflection, machine tool dynamics
No.5 - Vol.8
Fast Estimation Method of Machinable Area of Workpiece Surface for 3+2-Axis Control Machining Using Graphics Device – Visualization Algorithm of Machinable Area and Minimum Shank Length with Texture Projection Technique –
Jun’ichi Kaneko, Yuki Yamauchi, and Kenichiro Horio
5-axis control machining, CAM, tool posture, graphics hardware, GPGPU
No.5 8 Vol.14
Hilbert-Huang Transform Analysis of Machining Stability in Ball-Nose End-Milling of Curved Surface
Muizuddin Azka, Keiji Yamada, Mahfudz Al Huda, Kyosuke Mani, Ryutaro Tanaka, and Katsuhiko Sekiya
machining stability, curved surface milling, ball-end-mill, Hilbert-Huang transform

Count period : June 1-30, 2020

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