
IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, Dec. 2018

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 9 Vol.5
Quantitative Performance Analysis of Exoskeleton Augmenting Devices - Muscle Suit - for Manual Worker
Yoshiki Muramatsu, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Yutaka Sato, He Jiaou, Takuya Hashimoto, and Hiroshi Kobayashi
muscle suit, wearable robot, exoskeleton, McKibben artificial muscle, quantitative performance evaluation
No.1 - Vol.10
Technical Review of Laser Materials Processing in Japan
Takeji Arai
laser trends, laser applications technology, laser processing, current laser development, short-pulsed laser
No.2 - Vol.5
Tool Posture Planning Method for Continuous 5-Axis Control Machining on Machine Tool Coordinate System to Optimize Motion of Translational Axes
Jun’ichi Kaneko and Kenichiro Horio
5-axis machining, CAM, tool posture, post processing, planning, GPGPU
No.2 10 Vol.7
Simulation Technologies for the Development of an Autonomous and Intelligent Machine Tool
Keiichi Shirase and Keiichi Nakamoto
autonomous and intelligent machine tools, computer aided process planning, real-time tool path generation, milling shape simulation, cutting force simulation
No.2 9 Vol.12
Next-Generation, Super-Hard-to-Process Substrates and Their High-Efficiency Machining Process Technologies Used to Create Innovative Devices
Toshiro Doi
SiC, GaN and diamond substrates, dilatancy pad, high pressure & rotational polishing machine, plasma fusion CMP, singularity
No.2 - Vol.8
Fuel Operated Heaters Applied to Electric Vehicles
Tetsushi Mimuro and Hiroyuki Takanashi
electric vehicle, air conditioning, PTC heater, heat pump heater, fuel operated heater
No.2 3 Vol.11
“Industrie 4.0” and Smart Manufacturing – A Review of Research Issues and Application Examples
Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Stefan Wiesner, and Thorsten Wuest
industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, industrial internet, smart factory
No.2 - Vol.6
Generation Mechanism of Quadrant Glitches and Compensation for it in Feed Drive Systems of NC Machine Tools
Ryuta Sato
feed drive system, circular motion test, quadrant glitch, friction compensator
No.3 11 Vol.4
A Gravity-Powered Mechanism for Extending the Workspace of a Cable-Driven Parallel Mechanism: Application to the Appearance Modelling of Objects
Clément Gosselin and Samuel Bouchard
parallel mechanism, cable-driven parallel mechanism, appearance modelling
No.3 - Vol.8
Error Calibration for Five-Axis Machine Tools by On-the-Machine Measurement Using a Touch-Trigger Probe
Soichi Ibaraki and Yusuke Ota
five-axis machine tools, touch-trigger probe, geometric errors, error map, error calibration
No.3 8 Vol.12
Microfabricated Temperature-Sensing Devices Using a Microfluidic Chip for Biological Applications
Naoki Inomata, Masaya Toda, and Takahito Ono
thermal sensor, MEMS, Micro-TAS, thermistor, mechanical resonator
No.3 11 Vol.12
Extraction of Rotational Surfaces and Generalized Cylinders from Point-Clouds Using Section Curves
Yoshitaka Midorikawa and Hiroshi Masuda
point processing, surface reconstruction, terrestrial laser scanner, shape from sections
No.4 11 Vol.5
Tool Path Generation for Five-Axis Controlled Machining with Consideration of Motion of Two Rotational Axes
Koichi Morishige and Makoto Kaneko
five-axis controlled machining, CAD/CAM, motion of rotational axes, configuration space
No.4 - Vol.7
Material Removal During Ultrasonic Machining Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Jingsi Wang, Keita Shimada, Masayoshi Mizutani, and Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa
ultrasonic machining, smoothed particle hydrodynamics, material removal mechanism, crack, hard and brittle materials
No.4 - Vol.8
Development of an Innovative Power-Assist Omni-Directional Mobile Bed Considering Operator’s Characteristics
Yuki Ueno, Hideo Kitagawa, Kiyoaki Kakihara, Toshio Sakakibara, and Kazuhiko Terashima
omni-directional mobile robot, power-assist system, robotic bed
No.4 11 Vol.9
Advanced Control Strategies for Active Vibration Suppression in Laser Cutting Machines
Berend Denkena, Martin Eckl, and Thomas Lepper
hybrid positioning, laser cutting, vibration control, vibration compensation, Kalman filter
No.4 6 Vol.12
Highly Dynamic Spindle Integrated Magnet Actuators for Chatter Reduction
Jan Königsberg, Jan Reiners, Bernd Ponick, Berend Denkena, and Benjamin Bergmann
active damping, spindle, chatter reduction
No.4 8 Vol.12
Efficient Static and Dynamic Modelling of Machine Structures with Large Linear Motions
Natanael Lanz, Daniel Spescha, Sascha Weikert, and Konrad Wegener
machine dynamics, modelling, measurements, control
No.4 11 Vol.11
Evaluation Method for Behavior of Rotary Axis Around Motion Direction Changing
Tadahiro Nishiguchi, Shogo Hasegawa, Ryuta Sato, and Keiichi Shirase
5-axis controlled machining center, rotary axis, dynamic behavior, motion direction changes, machined surface
No.4 - Vol.2
Development of Micro Electrical Discharge Machine
Hideki Takezawa , Naotake Mohri , Kouhei Asano , and Yasunori Kodama
No.4 6 Vol.12
Disassembly Reuse Part Selection for Recovery Rate and Cost with Lifetime Analysis
Shota Hasegawa, Yuki Kinoshita, Tetsuo Yamada, Masato Inoue, and Stefan Bracke
life expectancy, recyclability evaluation method, straight line depreciation method, ϵ constraint method, integer programming
No.4 11 Vol.12
Skill Extraction from Nursing Care Service Using Sliding Sheet
Qi An, Junki Nakagawa, Junko Yasuda, Wen Wen, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Atsushi Yamashita, and Hajime Asama
nursing care service, skill extraction, optimization
No.4 - Vol.11
Life Cycle Analysis of Emissions from Electric and Gasoline Vehicles in Different Regions
Kamila Romejko and Masaru Nakano
production, electric vehicles, life cycle analysis, health issues, emissions
No.4 9 Vol.8
In-Process and On-Machine Measurement of Machining Accuracy for Process and Product Quality Management: A Review
Yasuhiro Takaya
in-process measurement, on-machine measurement, manufacturing metrology, machine tools, quality management

Count period : December 1-31, 2018

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