
IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, Jul.-Aug. 2017

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.11
How Lean Manufacturing Affects the Creation of Sustainable Value: An Integrated Model
Barbara Resta, Stefano Dotti, Paolo Gaiardelli, and Albachiara Boffelli
lean manufacturing, environmental sustainability, social sustainability, economic sustainability, sustainable operations management
No.2 - Vol.11
Line-Based Planar Structure Extraction from a Point Cloud with an Anisotropic Distribution
Ryuji Miyazaki, Makoto Yamamoto, and Koichi Harada
MMS, point cloud, planar structure, boundary, region growing
No.3 3 Vol.11
Study of an Underactuated Mechanical Finger Driven by Tendons
Vincenzo Niola, Cesare Rossi, Sergio Savino, and Francesco Timpone
underactuated fingers, grasping devices, human hand, prosthesis
No.3 - Vol.11
Development of Energy-Saving Machine Tool
Hisashi Ohtani
energy saving measures, gear, skiving, process consolidation
No.3 - Vol.11
Application of Green and Lean Production at Ricoh
Andy Whyle and Rob Bland
green, lean, continuous improvement, sustainable manufacturing
No.4 - Vol.11
A Novel Geometric Formula for Predicting Contractile Force in McKibben Pneumatic Muscles
Guido Belforte, Terenziano Raparelli, and Silvia Alessandra Sirolli
textile pneumatic muscle, analytical model for textile actuators, geometric model for braided muscles, nonlinear actuators
No.4 - Vol.11
Three-Dimensional Input System Employing Pinching Gestures for Robot Design
Kiyoshi Hoshino and Keita Hamamatsu
three-dimensional input system, pinching gestures, depth sensor, robot design
No.4 - Vol.11
Chain of Command: A Sustainable Supply Chain Management Serious Game
Victor Cuesta and Masaru Nakano
serious games, sustainable supply chain management, green and lean production, risk management
No.4 - Vol.11
Analysis and Control of Pouring Ladle with Weir for Sloshing and Volume-Moving Vibration in Pouring Cut-Off Process
Atsushi Ito, Ryosuke Tasaki, Makio Suzuki, and Kazuhiko Terashima
casting industry, automatic pouring system, sloshing, volume-moving vibration, vibration suppression control

Count period : Jul.1 - Aug. 31, 2017

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