
IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, August 2016

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.8
Aesthetic Curves and Surfaces in Computer Aided Geometric Design
Kenjiro T. Miura and R. U. Gobithaasan
fair curves and surfaces, log-aesthetic curve and surface, general equations of aesthetic curves, logarithmic curvature graph
No.1 - Vol.9
Detection of Motion Error Under Synchronous Two-Axis Control of a Dual Arm Robot Based on Monitoring of Ball Rolling Motion on a Plate
Wei Wu, Shun Kinoshita, Toshiki Hirogaki, and Eiichi Aoyama
NC, positioning accuracy, dual-arm robot, working plate, automation, machine tools
No.1 - Vol.10
Posture Control Considering Joint Stiffness of a Robotic Arm Driven by Rubberless Artificial Muscle
Naoki Saito and Toshiyuki Satoh
artificial muscle, joint stiffness, robotic arm, posture control, passive stiffness
No.2 - Vol.2
Optimal Structure Design Methodology for Compound Multiaxis Machine Tools-III - Performance Evaluation -
Masamitsu Nakaminami , Tsutomu Tokuma , Kazuhiko Matsumoto , Sachinori Sakashita , Toshimichi Moriwaki , and Keiichi Nakamoto
compound machine tool, structural design, box-in-box structure, machining time, electrical power consumption
No.2 - Vol.4
Kinematic Analysis and Design of 3-RPSR Parallel Mechanism with Triple Revolute Joints on the Base
Yukio Takeda, Xiao Xiao, Kazuya Hirose, Yoshiki Yoshida, and Ken Ichiryu
robotics, design engineering, kinematics, parallel mechanism, workspace, pipe bender
No.2 - Vol.5
Quantitative Performance Analysis of Exoskeleton Augmenting Devices - Muscle Suit - for Manual Worker
Yoshiki Muramatsu, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Yutaka Sato, He Jiaou, Takuya Hashimoto, and Hiroshi Kobayashi
muscle suit, wearable robot, exoskeleton, McKibben artificial muscle, quantitative performance evaluation
No.2 - Vol.6
Calibration of Kinematic Parameters of Robot Arm Using Laser Tracking System: Compensation for Non-Geometric Errors by Neural Networks and Selection of Optimal Measuring Points by Genetic Algorithm
Seiji Aoyagi, Masato Suzuki, Tomokazu Takahashi, Jun Fujioka, and Yoshitsugu Kamiya
robot calibration, laser tracking system, neural networks, optimal measuring points, Genetic Algorithm (GA)
No.2 - Vol.8
Evaluation of the IWF-Wunder Reproduction Method for Generating Positive Replica
Marcel Henerichs, Michael Egeter, Thomas Liebrich, Robert Voß, and Konrad Wegener
positive replica, degree of resemblance, thermosets, measurement technology
No.2 - Vol.8
Study on Control Performance with Consideration of Articulated Manipulators with Pneumatic Cylinders
Eiji Murayama, Yoshiyuki Yogosawa, Yukio Kawakami, Akiyoshi Horikawa, Koji Shioda, and Masashi Ogawa
articulated manipulator, pneumatic cylinder, forward and inverse kinematics, position control, force control
No.2 - Vol.8
Design of Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot Based on Sensor Fusion Algorithm
Jianhai Han, Xiangpan Li, and Qi Qin
PID, sensor fusion, accelerometer, gyroscope, two-wheeled self-balancing robot
No.2 - Vol.8
Cubic Spline Trajectory Planning and Vibration Suppression of Semiconductor Wafer Transfer Robot Arm
Wisnu Aribowo and Kazuhiko Terashima
trajectory planning, cubic spline, input shaping
No.2 - Vol.9
Determination of Aspect Ratio Limitations, Accuracy and Repeatability of a Laser Line Scanning CMM Probe
Bart Boeckmans, Min Zhang, Frank Welkenhuyzen, and Jean-Pierre Kruth
dimensional metrology, CMM, laser line scanning, accuracy, repeatability
No.2 - Vol.10
Drilling of CFRP with an Electrodeposited Diamond Core Drill – Effects of Air Assistance and Tool Shape –
Yuto Kojima, Ryutaro Tanaka, Yasuo Yamane, Katsuhiko Sekiya, and Keiji Yamada
CFRP, drilling, core drill
No.2 - Vol.10
Temperature Variations in Drilling of CFRP/Aluminum and CFRP/Titanium Stacks
Masahiko Sato, Hisataka Tanaka, and Kanae Yamamoto
CFRP--aluminum stack, CFRP--titanium stack, drilling, temperature
No.2 - Vol.10
3-DOF Outer Rotor Electromagnetic Spherical Actuator
Yusuke Nishiura, Katsuhiro Hirata, and Yo Sakaidani
spherical actuator, 3-DOF, outer rotor, optimization, genetic algorithm

Count period : August 1-31, 2016

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