Performance Evaluation and Wing Deformation Analysis of Flapping-Wing Aerial Vehicles with Varying Flapping Parameters and Patterns
Muhammad Labiyb Afakh
, Hidaka Sato
, and Naoyuki Takesue

Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Systems Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University
6-6 Asahigaoka, Hino, Tokyo 191-0065, Japan
There has been significant interest in the field of bio-inspired robotics, particularly in the development of flapping-wing robots from micro to bird size. Most flapping robots use lever-crank mechanisms or servomotors as wing flapping mechanisms. Servomotor-based flapping has the advantage of being able to generate various flapping patterns according to amplitude, offset, frequency, waveform, and other factors. However, it is not clear how these factors affect thrust generation. Therefore, this study focuses on the force generation and power consumption in different flapping patterns as well as the wing deformation during the flapping motion to provide some insights into the performance improvement. The results showed that the response characteristics of the actuators caused the thrust to saturate at high frequencies, and that sinusoidal pattern could generally achieve good performance and efficiency.

FWAV design & evaluated flapping patterns
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