
JRM Vol.35 No.6 pp. 1460-1468
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2023.p1460


Path Planning Using a Flow of Pedestrian Traffic in an Unknown Environment

Kiichiro Ishikawa, Kei Otomo, Hayato Osaki, and Taiga Odaka

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Fundamental Engineering, Nippon Institute of Technology
4-1 Gakuendai, Miyashiro-machi, Minamisaitama-gun, Saitama 345-8501, Japan

June 4, 2023
September 19, 2023
December 20, 2023
pedestrian tracking, path planning, point cloud processing, autonomous mobile robot

This paper outlines a path planning method for autonomous rovers navigating urban environments without prior mapping, with a particular focus on addressing the Tsukuba Challenge. Our approach utilizes observations of pedestrian and robot movement trajectories to construct path graphs for global path planning. We provide a detailed overview of the autonomous rover’s hardware and software system, as well as a comprehensive description of the path planning algorithm. Our methodology entails extracting and continuously tracking dynamic objects from LiDAR data, resulting in the creation of a path graph based on their observed trajectories. Subsequently, a path aligned with the desired direction is selected. Notably, in indoor experimental settings, our approach proves effective, as the rover successfully generates a path to the goal by closely monitoring and tracking pedestrian movements. In conclusion, this paper introduces a promising path planning methodology and suggests potential areas for further research in autonomous mobility within uncharted environments.

Path planning using pedestrian trajectories

Path planning using pedestrian trajectories

Cite this article as:
K. Ishikawa, K. Otomo, H. Osaki, and T. Odaka, “Path Planning Using a Flow of Pedestrian Traffic in an Unknown Environment,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.35 No.6, pp. 1460-1468, 2023.
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