Speed Control of Mobile Robots Using Vibration Stimuli from Bumpy Road Surface
Ryosuke Mizoguchi, Yuki Minami
, and Masato Ishikawa
Osaka University
2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
Speed bumps and rumble strips have been introduced into the traffic infrastructure to improve traffic safety. When a vehicle travels on a road where speed bumps and rumble strips are installed, vibration stimuli are transmitted to the driver to encourage control of the speed and position of the vehicle. In this letter, speed bumps are applied to an automated driving system. More precisely, this letter considers the speed control of a mobile robot using vibration stimuli from bumpy road surfaces. We formulated a design problem for a speed control law for a mobile robot and proposed a controller that can adjust the speed according to road surface geometry. The performance of the proposed method was verified via simulation using Unity.

Speed control using bumpy road surface
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