
JRM Vol.35 No.1 pp. 171-179
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2023.p0171


Risk Factor Attitude Survey and Step of Road Detection Method About Wheelchair of Elderly Person

Takashi Asakawa* and Hidehiro Saeki**

*National Institute of Technology, Oshima College
1091-1 Komatsu, Suo-Oshima, Oshima, Yamaguchi 742-2193, Japan

**Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences, Kyushu University
744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka-city, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan

March 14, 2022
November 8, 2022
February 20, 2023
wheelchair, risk factor, elder, driving support, step detecting system

We propose a step-detection system to improve the safety of electric wheelchairs for the elderly. In automobile driving support systems, roads and other environments are being improved, and collision detection and avoidance for vehicles and other pedestrians are being studied and prioritized. However, in the driving environment of electric wheelchairs, it is important to deal with bumps and one-way slopes on the road. In this study, we conducted a survey on elderly people’s awareness of risk factors related to wheelchairs and categorized these risk factors. In addition, we confirmed the usefulness of the step-detecting device by conducting a driving experiment.

Stop after step detection with this system

Stop after step detection with this system

Cite this article as:
T. Asakawa and H. Saeki, “Risk Factor Attitude Survey and Step of Road Detection Method About Wheelchair of Elderly Person,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.35 No.1, pp. 171-179, 2023.
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