Development of Experimental Multi-Robot System for Network Connectivity Controls
Toki Hiasa and Toru Murayama
National Institute of Technology, Wakayama College
77 Noshima, Nada-cho, Gobo, Wakayama 644-0023, Japan
This paper reports some results of network connectivity control experiments using a multi-robot system which we developed. Although a lot of connectivity control algorithms for a multi-robot network are proposed, almost all of them are verified only on computer simulations or using experimental robots with centralized sensors and controllers. To execute experimental verifications of connectivity control algorithms on a distributed robotic system, we developed an experimental multi-robot system. Hardware installed on the robot and information flow from sensors to actuators are detailed. Some results of measurement experiments are shown to estimate accuracy to detect a neighbor position. Then, results of connectivity control experiments using the developed multi-robot system are discussed.
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