
JRM Vol.34 No.3 pp. 576-587
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2022.p0576


Hydraulic Robotic Leg for HYDROïD Robot: Modeling and Control

Ahmed Abdellatif Hamed Ibrahim*1, Anas Ammounah*2, Samer Alfayad*2, Sami Tliba*3, Fethi Ben Ouezdou*4, and Stéphane Delaplace*5

*1Mechanical Engineering Department, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
El Mosheer Ahmed Ismael Street, Sheraton Al Matar, AASTMT Campus, El Nozha, Cairo 11799, Egypt

*2The Informatique, Bio-Informatique Systémes Complexes Laboratory
UFR Sciences et Technologies, 36 Rue du Pelvoux CE1455 Courcouronnes, Evry Cedex F-91020, France

*3CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay
Plateau de Moulon, 3 Rue Joliot-Curie, Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex F-91192, France

*4Vedecom institute
23 bis All. des Marronniers, Versailles 78000, France

*5University Institute of Technology at Vélizy-Villacoublay
10-12 Avenue de l’Europe, Vélizy 78140, France

August 16, 2021
December 1, 2021
June 20, 2022
humanoid robot, hydraulic actuation, HYDROïD robot, position controller, dynamic modeling

This paper presents a new hydraulic robotic leg for the humanoid hydraulic robot HYDROïD. The main parts of this leg are divided into two main parts; the knee subsystem and the ankle subsystem. The presented leg mechanism consists of 4 DOFs, all of which are operated using highly dynamic servo valves. The design of the leg is thoroughly presented and all of its parts are demonstrated. Moreover, the inverse kinematics for both sub-mechanisms are presented to be able to control the angular position of the leg joints. Also, a virtual dynamic model is introduced in which a position controller is applied to the model to regulate the actuating pistons, check the new structure, and analyze the position of the joints and their torques. To test the new leg experimentally, the new leg is assembled with the rest of the robot, and rapid prototyping software is used with a position controller. Experimental position tracking responses are introduced showing the validity of the new design and the implemented controller.

The new hydraulic leg for HYDROïD robot

The new hydraulic leg for HYDROïD robot

Cite this article as:
A. Ibrahim, A. Ammounah, S. Alfayad, S. Tliba, F. Ouezdou, and S. Delaplace, “Hydraulic Robotic Leg for HYDROïD Robot: Modeling and Control,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.34 No.3, pp. 576-587, 2022.
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