
JRM Vol.34 No.1 pp. 149-158
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2022.p0149


CameraRoach: A WiFi- and Camera-Enabled Cyborg Cockroach for Search and Rescue

Sriranjan Rasakatla*, Wataru Tenma*, Takeshi Suzuki*, Bipin Indurkhya**, and Ikuo Mizuuchi*

*Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-0012, Japan

**Jagiellonian University
24 Gołębia, Kraków 31-007, Poland

May 15, 2021
December 29, 2021
February 20, 2022
cyborg insect, search and rescue, bio-bot, neural stimulation

We describe here our design and implementation of a cyborg insect, called CameraRoach, with onboard camera feedback that can be navigated via remote control providing a first-person view. The camera pack is mounted on the Madagascar hissing cockroach, which is small enough to fit into crevices but also can carry a printed circuit boards with power, communication, and sensor components (visual camera). For navigating the cockroach, we implemented a unique electronic backpack neural stimulator, which allows the cockroach to be maneuvered on a desired path with a joystick. A high-resolution wireless camera, also included in the backpack, sends live images via a WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) network. We present the results of an evaluation experiment with the CameraRoach and compare it with the other state of the art systems like the Beetle-Cam.

CameraRoach for Search and Rescue

CameraRoach for Search and Rescue

Cite this article as:
S. Rasakatla, W. Tenma, T. Suzuki, B. Indurkhya, and I. Mizuuchi, “CameraRoach: A WiFi- and Camera-Enabled Cyborg Cockroach for Search and Rescue,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.34 No.1, pp. 149-158, 2022.
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