Development Report:
Precision Flight Drones with RTK-GNSS
Masafumi Miwa* and Tsuneo Ushiroda**
*Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences, Tokushima University
2-1 Minamijosanjima-cho, Tokushima 770-8506, Japan
**Nagasaki BIWA Production Consortium
3118 Kaizumachi, Isahaya-shi, Nagasaki 854-0063, Japan
An RTK-GNSS was introduced to realize the precision flight of a drone system for transporting harvested loquats and spraying pesticides to suppress the rotting of fruits. Transportation and spraying experiments were conducted. Precision automatic navigation flights were realized in transportation experiments. In addition, precision landing was performed within approximately 10 cm of the target position. Sufficient spraying flights were performed during the spraying experiment.

Drone transporting the harvested fruit
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