The WiFly: Flapping-Wing Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Center-of-Gravity Shift Mechanism
Taichi Nozawa*, Keita Nakamura*, Ryosuke Katsuyama*, Shunki Kuwajima*, Ziyan Li*, Akira Nomizu*, Riku Okamoto*, Toshitatsu Munakata**, and Takanobu Watanabe*
*Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda Univesity
3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan
**Micro Aircraft Research Institute
2-22-6 Ouzenji Nishi, Asou-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 215-0017, Japan
This paper describes the development of a flapping-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) named WiFly, which is equipped with a center-of-gravity (COG) shift mechanism. This mechanism allows seamless changes in the flight attitude between hovering and level flight by controlling the pitch angle. We implemented two types of feedback control systems in WiFly: PID control and reinforcement learning (shallow Q-learning) to stabilize the flight attitude. The controllability of WiFly is drastically improved by employing a double-motor drive system to independently control the flipping frequencies of the left and right wings.

The developed flapping-wing type UAV with centre-of-gravity shift mechanism
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