
JRM Vol.31 No.1 pp. 95-103
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2019.p0095


Sliding Mode Control for Vibration Comfort Improvement of a 7-DOF Nonlinear Active Vehicle Suspension Model

Zhiyong Yang*1, Shan Liang*2, Yu Zhou*3, and Di Zhao*4

*1Department of Information Engineering, Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering
No.1 North-South Avenue, Jiangjin, Chongqing 402260, China

*2College of Automation, Chongqing University
No.174 Shazhengjie, Shapingba, Chongqing 400044, China

*3Department of Finance and Trade, Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering
No.1 North-South Avenue, Jiangjin, Chongqing 402260, China

*4School of Electronic Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
No.10 Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100876, China

May 21, 2018
October 14, 2018
February 20, 2019
sliding mode control, consecutive SCHs, active vehicle suspension model, chaotic vibration, comfort analysis

Owing to the presence of nonlinear elements of a vehicle, when the vehicle goes through a rough-road-surface, such as consecutive speed control humps (SCHs), unexpected vibrations will exist in vehicle suspension systems, such as chaos, bifurcation, and quasi-periodic so on. In this paper, we first study the possibility of chaotic vibration of the seven degree-of-freedom (7-DOF) full vehicle model under consecutive SCHs on the highway. Then, a non-chattering sliding mode control method is proposed. The effectiveness of the sliding mode control method for the nonlinear vibration control of the vehicle suspension model is verified by numerical simulation. By comparing the changes in the vibration amplitude of the vehicle in the same velocity region before and after the control, we determine whether the ride comfort is improved. The results show that not only is the system’s chaos vibration effectively controlled, but also the ride comfort is significantly improved. The results can be applied in the design of a vehicle and in pavement of road humps.

Non-linear 7-DOF full-vehicle model

Non-linear 7-DOF full-vehicle model

Cite this article as:
Z. Yang, S. Liang, Y. Zhou, and D. Zhao, “Sliding Mode Control for Vibration Comfort Improvement of a 7-DOF Nonlinear Active Vehicle Suspension Model,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.31 No.1, pp. 95-103, 2019.
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