
JRM Vol.28 No.2 pp. 158-161
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2016.p0158


Planning of Movements of Building Robots with Speed Optimization

Thomas Bock* and Alexey Bulgakov**

*Technical University Munich
St. Arcis 21, 80333 Munich, Germany

**Southwest State University
St. 50. Let October 94, 305040 Kursk, Russia

October 20, 2015
March 9, 2016
April 20, 2016
motion control, speed optimization, trajectory planning, building robot
This paper presents a method of planning trajectories for the motions of building robots according to the given points of support on the basis of a two-level interpolation. This method features the calculation of speeds at the intermediate points of the trajectory, while duly accounting for the limitations for controlling moments. The combination of analytical and searching methods of calculation makes it possible to obtain a solution during the interval of control.
Perspective view of robotic mounting system for large-panel building

Perspective view of robotic mounting system for large-panel building

Cite this article as:
T. Bock and A. Bulgakov, “Planning of Movements of Building Robots with Speed Optimization,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.28 No.2, pp. 158-161, 2016.
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