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Special Issue on Intelligent Vehicle Technologies for Safety and Active Life
Hidehisa Yoshida, Manabu Omae, and Takahiro Wada
Published:December 20, 2015
Intelligent automobiles equipped with active safety methods whose objective is to reduce accidents caused by human problems such as careless driving and loss of consciousness, have got the social acceptance widely which are recognized by introducing collision avoidance brakes to the market. Active safety and automated driving technologies of intelligent automobiles were featured at TokyoMotor Show 2015. Their displays attracted much attention.It is necessary to propose new technologies continuously by the technical subject of active safety and automated driving, for example, relation of cooperative driving by a vehicle system and a driver, from the restrictions of originality of technical developments and the liability issues at the time of an accident.Even so, users worldwide expect much from the dynamic future of transportation for safety and active life.This special issue features seven papers carefully reviewed by field specialists.I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the authors who have contributed their valuable research results to this special issue and to the reviewers who provided their invaluable expertise.I would also like to thank members of the Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics board for giving me the unique opportunity to plan and coordinate this issue.
Cite this article as:H. Yoshida, M. Omae, and T. Wada, “Special Issue on Intelligent Vehicle Technologies for Safety and Active Life,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.27 No.6, p. 609, 2015.Data files: