
JRM Vol.26 No.1 pp. 112-114
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2014.p0112

Development Report:

Medical Round Robot – Terapio –

Kuzuhiko Terashima*1, Seiichi Takenoshita*2, Jun Miura*1,
Ryosuke Tasaki*1, Michiteru Kitazaki*1, Ryo Saegusa*1,
Takanori Miyoshi*1, Naoki Uchiyama*1, Shigenori Sano*1,
Junji Satake*1, Ren Ohmura*1, Toshihiko Fukushima*2,
Kiyoaki Kakihara*3, Hirotoshi Kawamura*4, and Mikio Takahashi*5

*1Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan

*2Fukushima Medical University, Japan

*3KER Co., Ltd., Japan

*4Sinfonia Technology Co., Ltd., Japan

*5Asahi System Co., Ltd., Japan

October 22, 2013
December 15, 2013
February 20, 2014
support robot, omni-directional drive, human tracking, power assist control, H-R communication
We have developed an innovative medical-personnel rounds-assistance robot called Terapio for use in hospital support, mainly in medical materials delivery and personnel rounds data recording. Terapio’s omnidirectional mobility and personnel tracking control during doctors’ rounds realize the smooth transfer of medical supplies from the nurses’ station to a patient’ bedside, for example. Vital information collected during medical personnel rounds is automatically recorded by a CCD camera and a voice recorder. This important information is then stored through the use of a touch panel.
Cite this article as:
K. Terashima, S. Takenoshita, J. Miura, R. Tasaki, M. Kitazaki, R. Saegusa, T. Miyoshi, N. Uchiyama, S. Sano, J. Satake, R. Ohmura, T. Fukushima, K. Kakihara, H. Kawamura, and M. Takahashi, “Medical Round Robot – Terapio –,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.26 No.1, pp. 112-114, 2014.
Data files:
  1. [1] R. Murai, T. Sakai, and Y. Kitano, “Autonomous Navigation Technology for ‘HOSPI,’ a Hospital Delivery Robot System,” Collection of Manuscripts for the 55th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conf., CD-ROM, No.1K303, 2012.
  2. [2] Y. Ueno, H. Kitagawa, K. Kakihara, and K. Terashima, “Development of the Differential Drive Steering System Using Spur Gear for Omni-Directional Mobile Robot,” Trans. of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C, Vol.78, No.789, pp. 1872-1885, 2012.
  3. [3] I. Ardiyanto and J. Miura, “Real-time Navigation using Randomized Kinodynamic Planning with Arrival Time Field,” Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol.60, No.12, pp. 1579-1591, 2012.
  4. [4] Y. Murofushi, N. Isobe, R. Tasaki, K. Terashima, and M. Kitazaki, “Shugo-robot face,” Proc. of IEEE Virtual Reality, pp. 179-180, 2013.

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