
JRM Vol.26 No.1 pp. 34-39
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2014.p0034


Simulation and Measurement of Fuel Injection Quantity Based on TB4P

Dongmin Li*,**, Jianzhong Zhang**, Jianjun Yuan**,
FancanGuo**, and Huiming Wang***

*School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University, 73 Jingshi Road Jinan, Ji’nan city, Shandong province 250061, China

**Department of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, 223 Number, DaiZong Street, Tai’an city, Shandong province 271019, China

***College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, 61 Number, DaiZong Street, Tai’an city, Shandong province 271018, China

March 6, 2013
June 25, 2013
February 20, 2014
test bench for fuel injection pump (TB4P), fuel injection quantity, proportional valve, modeling, simulation
In order to improve the measurement accuracy of fuel injection quantity based on Test Bench for fuel injection Pump (abbr. TB4P), on the basis of the function between needle valve lift and fuel injection quantity, two-level pressure adjustment module, which combines proportional flow rate valve with pressure sensor and takes advantage of spring of fuel injector, is used to control the outlet pressure of fuel injection pump, which results in the fuel injection pressure stably. Fuel injection pump and fuel injector are modeled by use of HCD of AMESim, and the system model of fuel injection quantity measurement is built. Simulation curve of fuel injection quantity is got by AMESim, which is compared with the curve of standard fuel injection quantity according to relative error. The results show that the relative error from the data of simulation system is smaller, so the methods of measurement and simulation in this paper are effective.
Cite this article as:
D. Li, J. Zhang, J. Yuan, FancanGuo, and H. Wang, “Simulation and Measurement of Fuel Injection Quantity Based on TB4P,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.26 No.1, pp. 34-39, 2014.
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