
JRM Vol.20 No.6 p. 809
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2008.p0809


Special Issue on Service Technology for Health and Well-Being

Mihoko Otake

Associate Professor,
Service Engineering Research Division,
Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering,
University of Tokyo, Japan

December 20, 2008
Thanks to the growing awareness that human health is inextricably linked to the health of our planet and environmental change, it is difficult to envisage an integrated scientific approach to sustainable development that does not include human health issues. In parallel with science for health and well-being (SHWB), which is recognized today as a major challenge, the field of service science, management and engineering (SSME) has emerged as a potential solution. How can robotics and mechatronics, both used in SHWB and SSME, contribute to solving human health issues?
This special issue focuses on service technology for health and well-being. It starts with studies on on-demand bus services for alternative transportation systems and home healthcare service for disease prevention based on ICT. Devices and systems then introduced include stand-up support devices, gait rehabilitation, omnidirectional wheelchairs and wheelchair design simulators, musculoskeletal simulators for rehabilitation, force display communication analysis systems, and evaluation method of driver's temporary arousal level. These technologies for health and welfare services are the core of sustainable development.
We thank the authors for their invaluable contributions and the reviewers for their time and effort in making this special issue possible. We also thank the JRM Editorial Board for the opportunity to take part in this work.
Cite this article as:
M. Otake, “Special Issue on Service Technology for Health and Well-Being,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.20 No.6, p. 809, 2008.
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