
JRM Vol.18 No.4 pp. 368-374
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2006.p0368


Haptic-Assisted SMMS Telemicromanipulation Using Virtual Fixture

Gilgueng Hwang and Hideki Hashimoto

Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan

April 20, 2006
May 8, 2006
August 20, 2006
tele-micromanipulation, human-robot interaction, virtual fixture, haptic guidance, cooperative control
The haptic-assisted user/robot-shared telemicromanipulation we propose uses learning different skill levels to improve operability. This research is expected to enhance teleoperation through haptic guidance based on a virtual fixture. Haptic guidance in the noncontact phase and novel feedback in the contact phase are integrated into a manipulation strategy to realize the haptic-assisted telemanipulation. We tested our proposed algorithms on a single-master multi-slave telemicromanipulation system using the task of improving user operability for user/robot-shared control. Pick-and-place experiments using salmon roe and styrene block model verify the feasibility of our haptic-assisted manipulation.
Cite this article as:
G. Hwang and H. Hashimoto, “Haptic-Assisted SMMS Telemicromanipulation Using Virtual Fixture,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.18 No.4, pp. 368-374, 2006.
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