
JRM Vol.17 No.6 pp. 655-663
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2005.p0655


Pinching at Fingertips for Humanoid Robot Hand

Kiyoshi Hoshino*, and Ichiro Kawabuchi**

*Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Systems, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan

**Specialized Instrumentation and Mechanics Division, TechExperts Incorporation, 4-15-5 Omori-nishi, Ota-ku, Tokyo 143-0015, Japan

January 29, 2005
May 14, 2005
December 20, 2005
humanoid robot hand, pinching and grasping, addition of degree of freedom to fingertip, thumb twisting
Delicate actions such as picking up paper or a needle with the fingertips – an important function for robot hands – are extremely difficult. We propose a lightweight robot hand based on extracting minimum required motor functions and implementing them in a robot. We also propose a robot hand that realizes appropriate pinching by adding the minimum required degree of supplementary freedom realizable only mechanically. In the robot hand, we focus mainly on adding degrees of freedom for independent finger motion to the terminal joints and a degree of freedom for twisting by the thumb. The results showed that providing the fingertip with a joint with broad force control even with weak force effectively ensures delicate fingertip control in a humanoid robot hand.
Cite this article as:
K. Hoshino and I. Kawabuchi, “Pinching at Fingertips for Humanoid Robot Hand,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.17 No.6, pp. 655-663, 2005.
Data files:
  1. [1]
  2. [2] Gifu Hand:
  3. [3] S. C. Jacobsen, J. E. Wood, D. F. Knutti, and K. B. Biggers, “The UTAH/M.I.T Dextrous Hand: Work in Progress,” Intl. J. of Robotics Research, Vol.3, No.4, pp. 21-50, 1984.
  4. [4] Shadow Dextrous Hand:
  5. [5]
  6. [6] Robonaut:

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