
JRM Vol.16 No.3 pp. 333-341
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2004.p0333


A Study on Propagation Characteristics of Spread Spectrum Sound Waves Using a Band-Limited Ultrasonic Transducer

Akio Yamane, Taketoshi Iyota, Yongwoon Choi,
Yuzuru Kubota, and Kazuhiro Watanabe

Faculty of Engineering, Soka University, 1-236 Tangi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-8577, Japan

October 20, 2003
December 5, 2003
June 20, 2004
spread spectrum, ultrasonic sound wave, range measurement, global positioning system
Propagation characteristics and range experiments of spread spectrum 40kHz ultrasonic waves have been explored under band-limited frequency. Comparative experiments were conducted using two arrangements combining a broadband speaker and a microphone for the broadband case, and an all-purpose receiving transducer and the broadband speaker for the band-limited case. Under the broadband condition, range accuracy measurements and evaluation of signal discrimination in a code division multiple transmission were made demonstrating 0.034% (corresponding to about 7mm in range distance) of range accuracy for a full-scale distance of 21.6m, demonstrating high signal discrimination. The severely band-limited experiment improved accuracy from 0.084% for a distance of 8.4m to 0.063% for a greater distance of 14.4m using a longer M-sequence length by extending shift registers from 10-bit to 15-bit. These experimental results show promise in the intended application of ultrasonic spread spectra to local positioning systems.
Cite this article as:
A. Yamane, T. Iyota, Y. Choi, Y. Kubota, and K. Watanabe, “A Study on Propagation Characteristics of Spread Spectrum Sound Waves Using a Band-Limited Ultrasonic Transducer,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.16 No.3, pp. 333-341, 2004.
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