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Motion of a Miniature Robot Using Three Piezoelectric Elements Controlled by Rectangular Voltage
Akihiro Torii, Yoshiyuki Fukaya, Kae Doki, and Akiteru Ueda
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology Yakusa-cho, Toyota 470-0392, Japan
Received:August 8, 2003Accepted:October 10, 2003Published:December 20, 2003
Keywords:miniature robot, piezo, rotational displacement
The authors report the motion of a miniature three-legged robot consisting of three piezoelectric elements operated by rectangular voltage. The small leg displacement is measured precisely by three optical sensors. We detail the relationship between leg motion legs and control signals applied to piezoelectric elements. The robot rotates in the CW and CCW directions, yielding interesting results. Step displacement is synchronized with control waveforms.
Cite this article as:A. Torii, Y. Fukaya, K. Doki, and A. Ueda, “Motion of a Miniature Robot Using Three Piezoelectric Elements Controlled by Rectangular Voltage,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.15 No.6, pp. 602-608, 2003.Data files:
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