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Autonomous Flight Control of Unmanned Small Hobby-Class Helicopter Report 1: Hardware Development and Verification Experiments of Autonomous Flight Control System
Daigo Fujiwara*, Jinok Shin*, Kensaku Hazawa*, Kazuhiro Igarashi*, Dilshan Fernando*, and Kenzo Nonami**
*Graduate School of Science And Technology, Chiba University, 1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8522 Japan
**Faculty of Engineering, China University
Received:March 18, 2003Accepted:April 10, 2003Published:October 20, 2003
Keywords:autonomous flight control, small unmanned hobby-class helicopter, hardware development, controller, hybrid control between autonomous and manual control equipment, verification experiment
We detail hardware and firmware development for autonomous control of a small unmanned hobby-compatible small helicopter. Preserving compatibility with hobby products greatly reduces overall cost, including that for hardware development and system maintenance. The original concept in the development of hardware, firmware, and the operating system for autonomous control flight focuses on compatibility and adaptability with conventional hobby products. The newly-developed servopulse switching unit and the pulse generator realized this concept, implementing expandability and flexibility to control. Taking the small payload into account, we dramatically downsized helicopter hardware resulting in a 2.9 kgf controller. We verified correct control performance through simulation and experiments including guiddance flights.
Cite this article as:D. Fujiwara, J. Shin, K. Hazawa, K. Igarashi, D. Fernando, and K. Nonami, “Autonomous Flight Control of Unmanned Small Hobby-Class Helicopter Report 1: Hardware Development and Verification Experiments of Autonomous Flight Control System,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.15 No.5, pp. 537-545, 2003.Data files:
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