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A Study on the On-Ground Access System Using Marker-based Visual Imformation
Koichi Yoshida
NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories, 1-7-1, Hanabatake, Tsukuba-city, lbaraki, 305-0805 Japan
Received:July 7, 2002Accepted:November 19, 2002Published:February 20, 2003
Keywords:robot, position control, visual servo, stereo vision, Hough space, template matching
This paper describes visual control for on-ground access designed to lead the arm end of a robot and set it promptly to a target point on an elevated job site. When both plane markers, installed on the arm end, and a target point are taken simultaneously by a stereo camera, the arm end in an initial state is automatically recognized and an external paramenters of the stereo camera is determined. Consequently, as soon as the target point is indicated, the positioning task is started. When tracking procedures based on correlation with a marker template are executed in motion, relative errors defined by visual coordinates are successively fed back to conduct the positioning task. By establishing visual control that uses a feature point on a cylinder as a target, the positioning effectiveness of this system is demonstrated by an experimental system.
Cite this article as:K. Yoshida, “A Study on the On-Ground Access System Using Marker-based Visual Imformation,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.15 No.1, pp. 84-95, 2003.Data files:
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