
JRM Vol.14 No.2 pp. 124-132
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2002.p0124


A Service Robot Acting by Occasional Dialog - Object Recognition Using Dialog with User and Sensor-Based Manipulation -

Yasushi Makihara, Masao Takizawa, Kazuo Ninokata, Yoshiaki Shirai, Jun Miura, and Nobutaka Shimada

Osaka University, 2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871

November 14, 2001
December 10, 2001
April 20, 2002
service robot, object recognition, dialog, sensor-based manipulation
We develop a service robot that brings a user-specified object from a refrigerator to a user by a dialog. This paper describes 2 functions necessary for the robot: one is to recognize objects in the image by using a dialog with a user and the other is to manipulate objects by using force and tactile sensors under the uncertainty of vision information.
Cite this article as:
Y. Makihara, M. Takizawa, K. Ninokata, Y. Shirai, J. Miura, and N. Shimada, “A Service Robot Acting by Occasional Dialog - Object Recognition Using Dialog with User and Sensor-Based Manipulation -,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.14 No.2, pp. 124-132, 2002.
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