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Tracking of Moving Object by Phase-only Correlation
Hiroshi Sasaki*, Kazumasa Nomura*, Hiroshi Nakajima** and Koji Kobayashi*
*POC Project, New Business Development Office, Yamatake Corporation
**Product Development Department, Building System Development & Manufacturing Group, Yamatake Corporation
Received:December 20, 1999Accepted:April 20, 2000Published:October 20, 2000
Keywords:Phase-only correlation (POC), Rotation invariant phase-only correlation (RIPOC), Vision feedback, Tracking
A real-time tracking system that measures four-dimensional displacement of a moving object and that traces the object by directing a pair of cameras on three-axis robot is implemented and tested. In this system, the distance, rotation, and parallel displacement values of the object are measured by Phase-Only Correlation and Rotation-Invariant Phase-Only Correlation image processing techniques. It controls the pitch, roll, and yaw angles of the camera to locate the target in the stable position on the image, as well as keeps the size of the target on the image by magnifying or reducing the image, based on the measured distance using triangular surveying.
Cite this article as:H. Sasaki, K. Nomura, H. Nakajima, and K. Kobayashi, “Tracking of Moving Object by Phase-only Correlation,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.12 No.5, pp. 541-544, 2000.Data files:
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