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Motion Planning for Six-Legged Locomotion Robot Based on Hierarchical Knowledge Using Genetic Programming
Kentarou Kurashige*, Toshio Fukuda** and Haruo Hoshino***
*Dept. of Micro System Engineering Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603, Japan
**Center for Cooperative Research in Advanced Science & Technology Nagoya University
***Takenaka Corporation, Otsuka 1-5-1, Insei-shi, Chiba, 270-13, Japan
Received:December 24, 1999Accepted:April 11, 2000Published:August 20, 2000
Keywords:omni-directional walking robot, motion planning problem, genetic programming, hierarchical knowledge
Much research has been done on the motion planning problem. In this field, main research is to generate the motion for specific robot and task without previously acquired motions. We research the motion planning reusing knowledge. It is our objective to realize hierarchical knowledge with reuse. In this paper, we adopt tree-based representation for expressing the knowledge of the motion and adopt genetic programming as a learning method. We construct the motion planning system using hierarchical knowledge. We apply the proposed method to the six-legged locomotion robot to show its availability.
Cite this article as:K. Kurashige, T. Fukuda, and H. Hoshino, “Motion Planning for Six-Legged Locomotion Robot Based on Hierarchical Knowledge Using Genetic Programming,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.12 No.4, pp. 459-465, 2000.Data files:
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