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Visual Interface For Remote Control
Kazunori Shidoji*, Katsuya Matsunaga*, Masahiko Minamoto**, Yasuhiro Nose***, Kazuhisa Ebuchi**** and Yuji Matsuki*
*Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical, Engineering, Kyushu University, 6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan
**Information Technology & Electronics Laboratory, Technology Development Division, Fujita Corporation, 4-6-15 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. 151-8570, Japan
***System Technology Development Center, Corporate Research and Development Group, Sharp Corporation, 2613-1 Ichinomoto-cho, Tenri, Nara 632-8567, Japan
****BJ Printing Technology Development Center, Canon Incorporation, 2-19-8 Shimomaruko, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 146-0092, Japan
Received:May 27, 1999Accepted:November 29, 1999Published:February 20, 2000
Keywords:remote control, visual interface, performance, stereoscopic video system, teleoperation
Remote control using video system is needed in a variety of fields. The performance of remote control using the conventional video system is very poor, compared with the work done by actual on-the-spot observation. We have developed a new Q stereoscopic video system, considering that one of the causes of such poor performance is in the visual interface used in the current teleoperator. This system realizes simultaneously both high resolution and wide visual field by fixed angle lens. Three experiments were implemented for visual interface, using the new system. The availabilities of central high resolution and peripheral wide angle images were studied in Experiment 1 and 2. The availabilities of both images were confirmed. In Experiment 3 the overlap ratio of right and left images in the Q stereoscopic video system was researched and it was clarified that the decrease of the overlap ratio lowered the performance. In this paper is preferable visual interface for the stereoscopic video system for remote control was investigated, and it was shown that the Q stereoscopic video system was preferable for remote control.
Cite this article as:K. Shidoji, K. Matsunaga, M. Minamoto, Y. Nose, K. Ebuchi, and Y. Matsuki, “Visual Interface For Remote Control,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.12 No.1, pp. 40-47, 2000.Data files:
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