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Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing System Laboratory
Yoshimi Takeuchi
Dept. of Mechanical and Control Engineering, University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182, Japan
Published:December 20, 1997
This R&CIM laboratory is one of fifteen research laboratories belonging to the Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering. It is involved in research on efficient and accurate manufacturing process automation. The research is divided roughly into three groups: multiaxis control machining, ultra-precision micro-machining and the application of industrial robots to dirty and/or dangerous tasks. The control software is based on 3DCAD data that employs solid models. The laboratory's research activities are described briefly.
Cite this article as:Y. Takeuchi, “Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing System Laboratory,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.9 No.6, pp. 480-481, 1997.Data files: