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Vehicle Dynamics Control with Variable Alignment Suspension
Mitsuhiko Harara, Hidekazu Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Takeo
and Keiji Isoda
Vehicle Research, Research Dept., Office of Passenger Car Development & Engineering, Mitsubishi Motors Corp., 1, Nakashinkiri, Hashime-cho, Okazaki, Aichi, 444 Japan
Received:June 19, 1995Accepted:June 30, 1995Published:August 20, 1995
Keywords:Vehicle dynamics, Wheel alignment, Suspension system
This study discusses the effect of variable alignment control suspension on vehicle dynamics by altering the suspension arm's length. In this system, two of the four arms of the front multi-link suspension can extend or contract depending on each driving condition to control the camber and caster angles independently. a camber angle and a caster angle are altered by the action of upper and lower control actuators. The camber angle control contributes to the increase in a turning limit with the improvement of tire footprints condition, and the caster angle and caster trail control aid the wheel's ability to right itself with a suitable steering feeling for the driver. Vehicle tests are conducted using a prototype vehicle equipped with a variable alignment control system to clarify the above effects, and remarkable improvements in a vehicle dynamics are verified.
Cite this article as:M. Harara, H. Suzuki, T. Takeo, and K. Isoda, “Vehicle Dynamics Control with Variable Alignment Suspension,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.7 No.4, pp. 301-306, 1995.Data files: