
JRM Vol.6 No.2 pp. 131-136
doi: 10.20965/jrm.1994.p0131


Design of a Model-Based Robot Vision VLSI Processor

Yoshifumi Sasaki and Michitaka Kameyama

Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-77 Japan

November 14, 1993
November 28, 1993
April 20, 1994
Special-purpose VLSI processor, Visual feedback, 3-D distance information, Model matching, Perspective projection
For intelligent robots, a robot vision system is usually required to perform three-dimensional (3-D) position estimation as well as object recognition at high speeds. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for 3-D object recognition and position estimation for the implementation of a VLSI processor The principle of the algorithm is based on model matching between an input image and models stored in memory. Because of enormous computation time, the development of a high-performance VLSI processor is essential. Highly parallel architecture is introduced in the VLSI processor to reduce the latency. As a result of highly parallel computing, the computational time is 10000 times faster than that of a 28.5 MIPS workstation.
Cite this article as:
Y. Sasaki and M. Kameyama, “Design of a Model-Based Robot Vision VLSI Processor,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.6 No.2, pp. 131-136, 1994.
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