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Active Control for Whirling Motion of Flexible Rotor
Takakazu Ishimatsu, Takashi Shimomachi, and Nobuyoshi Taguchi*
Nagasaki University, 1-14, Bunkyou Machi, Nagasaki 852, Japan
* Technology Center of Nagasaki, 2-1303-8, Ikeda, Oomura, Nagasaki 857, Japan
Received:June 10, 1991Accepted:July 15, 1991Published:August 20, 1991
Keywords:Vibration of rotating body, Vibration control, Active control, Active damper
In a rotational machine, unbalance on the rotor is formidable since it causes resonance synchronized with the rotation of the rotor. In order to suppress this unfavorable vibration, we built an active vibration control system of flexible rotor using an electromagnetic damper. Our control system is composed of a digital controller to suppress the rotationally synchronized whirling motion and also a conventional analogue controller. Using our control system, whirling motion of the rotor under various rotating speeds was suppressed significantly.
Cite this article as:T. Ishimatsu, T. Shimomachi, and N. Taguchi, “Active Control for Whirling Motion of Flexible Rotor,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.3 No.4, pp. 360-364, 1991.Data files: