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Optical Displacement Sensor Utilizing Contrast Variation of Projected Patterns
Toru Yoshizawa, Akiyoshi Tochigi
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16, Nakamachi, Koganei, Tokyo
Published:February 20, 1990
Keywords:Displacement measurement, Noncontact measurement, Projected pattern, Quadrant pattern, Contrast variation
A system has been developed and tested for the optical noncontact measurement of displacement which consists of a light source, an objective lens, a quadrant pattern and a quadrant photodiode. The principle is based on the detection of contrast variation of a projected pattern. This system uses an one-axis method and shows good characteristics, in particular that it is not influenced by the color and inclination of the surface. The dynamic range in the measurement is 150μm with vertical resolution of 1μm. The principle of the method is verified with experimental tests.
Cite this article as:T. Yoshizawa and A. Tochigi, “Optical Displacement Sensor Utilizing Contrast Variation of Projected Patterns,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.2 No.1, pp. 53-55, 1990.Data files: