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XY Stage Capable of Positioning in Submicron Order
Hiroshi Goto
Omron Corporation, Shimokaiinji, Nagaokakyo, Kyoto 617, Japan
Published:December 20, 1989
With the progress in microelectronic and optoelectronic devices, precision positioning technology has become more and more important. Such technology is indispensable for the positioning operation between the mask and the wafer in super LSI production, precision processing of optical parts such as the non-spherical lens, and in precision measuring instruments such as the scanning tunneling microscope, etc. These devices require positioning accuracy in the order of submicrons (0 .1μm) or subsubmicrons (0.0lμm). To achieve such accuracy, various devices have been made for mechanism and control. The author and others have developed two kinds of positioning stage, an XY stage of a externally pressurized bearing guide system driven by a DC linear motor, and an XY stage of an elastic hinge spring guide system driven by a piezoelectric actuator and we have achieved positioning accuracy of 0.1 to 0.01µm. These two kinds of XY stages will be described below as examples with a description of the structural features and performance as well as the important points of their configuration.
Cite this article as:H. Goto, “XY Stage Capable of Positioning in Submicron Order,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.1 No.4, pp. 333-337, 1989.Data files: