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DD-type Linear Motor Systems and Their Applications
Tamotsu Suzuki
Electronics Application Products Div., Nippon Seiko K.K. Shoja cho, 1-8-1, Maebashi City, Gumma Pref. 371, Japan
Published:December 20, 1989
Carrying and positioning systems for linear movement in factory automation are typically a combination of a motor and motion-translating mechanisms, such as ball screws, belts, and racks and pinions. Such mechanical motion-translating mechanisms, however, have the disadvantages of limited accuracy, speed, and durability. As a solution to this problem, direct-drive linear motors, which drive an object directly mounted on the drive section, have attracted considerable interest, and various types of linear motors have been actually used. The recent trend in linear motor development has been such that the functions of the motor alone have been expanded into higher functions of the linear drive system. The "Megathrust Motor" is a direct drive linear actuator system developed by Nippon Seiko K.K. It has some components, such as a detector and drive unit, which are different from those of other drive systems, and therefore provide high performance and added value. Nippon Seiko K.K. has also developed and marketed a direct drive "Megatorque Motor." This motor has achieved high speed and highly accurate rotational drive of industrial robots and general industrial machines, and has been widely used as a rotary actuator in factory automation. The Megathrust Motor is a linear drive system developed as an application of the technology of the Megatorque Motor. This paper describes the features, performance, and applications of the Megathrust Motor.
Cite this article as:T. Suzuki, “DD-type Linear Motor Systems and Their Applications,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.1 No.4, pp. 328-332, 1989.Data files: