
JDR Vol.10 No.sp pp. 777-782
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2015.p0777


Business Continuity Management (BCM) for Regional Financial Functionalities in Wide-Area Disasters
Importance and Challenges in Cooperation
Among Regional Financial Institutions and PPP (Public-Private Partnership)

Kenji Watanabe

Graduate School of Social Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 466-8555, Japan

April 13, 2015
July 2, 2015
September 1, 2015
BCP, BCM, financial institutions, interoperability, PPP
We’ve already been through three large earthquakes in just two decades – the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the 2004 Niigata Chuetsu earthquake, and the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. In those 20 years, disaster responses by institutions providing financial functions supporting regional daily life and social and economic activities have evolved from the simple duplication of information communication systems and disaster recovery plans (DRPs) for data backup into the business continuity plan (BCP) and to business continuity management (BCM) at the management level. The fact that regional financial functionalities cannot be managed simply by the efforts of financial institutions has been recognized during these disasters. It has been realized that a system enabling information sharing and cooperation with local governments in addition to collaboration with other financial institutions is needed. Efforts for enhancing the effectiveness of such a system should be made by financial functionalities that support local restoration and reconstruction.
Cite this article as:
K. Watanabe, “Business Continuity Management (BCM) for Regional Financial Functionalities in Wide-Area Disasters
Importance and Challenges in Cooperation
Among Regional Financial Institutions and PPP (Public-Private Partnership),” J. Disaster Res., Vol.10 No.sp, pp. 777-782, 2015.
Data files:
  1. [1] Bank of Japan, “Case study: Street wide exercise by Iwate Bank, Kita-Nippon Bank, and Tohoku bank,” 2013.
  2. [2] Joint Investigation Team formed by the MLIT and academic associations relating to disaster preparedness, “Field Report on a Survey of Hurricane Sandy in the U.S.,” 2013.
  3. [3] Financial Service Agency, Bank of Japan, “Results on a questionnaire on the system implementation status of financial institution service continuity in September 2014,” 2015.
  4. [4] Kyoto BCP Review Conf., “Kyoto BCP Action Agenda: Towards keeping and developing Kyoto’s activities in disaster,” 2014.
  5. [5] K. Watanabe, “Regional Business Continuity Management Through Public-Private Partnerships in Japan,” Natural Disaster Management in the Asia-Pacific (Policy and Governance), Springer, pp. 159-174, 2014.

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