
JDR Vol.8 No.sp pp. 773-780
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2013.p0773


Significant Factors for Implementing BCP

Shinichi Okabe and Akio Nagahira

Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, 6-6-11-80 Aza-Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8579, Japan

May 3, 2013
July 26, 2013
September 1, 2013
business continuity plans, small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), pre-disaster measures, disaster plan
Surveys were conducted on two different groups following the March 11, 2011, Great East Japan Earthquake. One was a group of small and medium sized enterprises and the other was a group that included small to large and global companies. The two groups were different in disaster preparedness and business continuity plan (BCP) implementation status. The extent of damage and disruption were also analyzed if business continuity plans functioned as planned during the earthquake. The two groups were compared and analyzed to identify factors that significantly affected business continuity plan implementation into corporations.
Cite this article as:
S. Okabe and A. Nagahira, “Significant Factors for Implementing BCP,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.8 No.sp, pp. 773-780, 2013.
Data files:
  1. [1] C. M. Ringle, S. Wende, and Wills, SmartPLS2.0 (M3) Beta, Hamburg, 2005, [accessed August 24, 2013]
  2. [2] Cabinet Office of Japanese Government (Department of Disaster Management), “Status Survey of Business Continuity and Disaster Management of Business enterprises,” 2012, [accessed August 24, 2013]
  3. [3] FEMA, USA, “Ready Business,” [accessed August 24, 2013]
  4. [4] Chartered Management Institute, “Managing Threats in a Dangerous World – The 2011 Business Continuity Management Survey,” 2011, [accessed August 24, 2013]
  5. [5] Tokio Marine and Nichido Risk Consulting Co., Ltd, “TALISMAN: East Japan Great Earthquake and BCM,” Dec. 2011.

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