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Protection of Cultural Heritage from Post-Earthquake Fire
Kenzo Toki
Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University, 58 Komatsu-bara Kita-machi, Kitaku, Kyoto 603-8341, Japan
Received:September 17, 2010Accepted:September 21, 2010Published:February 1, 2011
Keywords:cultural heritage, natural disaster, antiseismic fire extinguish system
The cultural property protection field is wide and varied, with the problem of natural disaster alone often being overlooked, especially in seismic hazard measures. Cultural property preservation field experts recognize that fire-prevention measures, for example, having focused on accidental fires and arson within shrine and temple precincts that have been ineffective in preventing fires from spreading to historical buildings during simultaneous fire outbreaks in surroundings of concern during earthquakes. In 2003, the Japanese government recognized the importance of cultural heritage disaster mitigation, and a National Committee was organized whose first report was released in 2004, leading, in turn, to the first national project for protecting cultural assets against natural disasters. The project focused on two 1,500-ton underground water storage tanks near Kiyomizudera and Sanneizaka. With a pressurized water sprinkler system and other fire control facilities, the facility is expected to be used to fight fires during earthquakes and to provide easy-to-use fire hydrants for other fires.
Cite this article as:K. Toki, “Protection of Cultural Heritage from Post-Earthquake Fire,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.6 No.1, pp. 4-10, 2011.Data files:
References- [1] T. Kenzo, Cultural Heritage and Seismic Countermeasures, “Introductory Volume” to Cultural Heritage Disaster Mitigation Studies, Ritsumeikan University, 2010.