
JDR Vol.4 No.3 pp. 229-238
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2009.p0229


Middle-Story Isolated Structural System of High-Rise Building

Yasuhiro Tsuneki1, Shingo Torii2, Katsuhide Murakami3, and Toshiyuki Sueoka3

1Principal, Structural Engineering Department, Nikken Sekkei

2Head, Structural Engineering Section, Nikken Sekkei

3Chief Structural Engineer, Nikken Sekkei

April 22, 2009
June 22, 2009
June 1, 2009
high seismic performance, middle-story isolation, concentrating seismic energy, mass damper effect
For buildings of normal earthquake-resistant construction, it is essential to provide their structural frame with sufficient rigidity and strength horizontally and vertically, ensuring a uniform distribution of rigidity and strength in the plane. To this end, it is typical that those buildings adopt the same type of construction and structural system. On the other hand, in buildings of general base-isolation construction, their upper structure, which is supported by a base isolation layer, undergoes lessened seismic forces and therefore is able to tolerate concentration of rigidity and strength. This makes them available for construction with any types of structural systems, which in turn allows new structural planning realizing a greater freedom in architectural design; the same type of construction and structural system for the upper structure is generally adopted. In contrast, when a high-rise building is provided with an isolation layer in an intermediate level, its upper structure, which is placed above the isolation layer, has high seismic resistance as a seismic isolation structure. And a mass damper effect contributes to decrease in seismic responses in the lower structure, ensuring high seismic resistance of a building. This paper describes the physical properties of a seismic isolation layer system which is built at an middle-story of a building. It also introduce buildings by which potentials for new architectural planning are proposed through the use of this system.
Cite this article as:
Y. Tsuneki, S. Torii, K. Murakami, and T. Sueoka, “Middle-Story Isolated Structural System of High-Rise Building,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.4 No.3, pp. 229-238, 2009.
Data files:
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  2. [2] Katsuhide Murakami, Haruyuki Kitamura, and Yutaka Mastushima, “The Prediction for Seismic Responses of the Two-mass Model with the Mid-story Isolati on System,” Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering of AIJ, No.549, Nov. 2001.
  3. [3] Toshiyuki Sueoka, Shingo Torii, and Yasuhiro Tsuneki, “The application of response control design using middle-story isolation system to high-rise building,” 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Aug. 2004.

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