
JDR Vol.3 No.1 pp. 78-88
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2008.p0078


HARIMAU Radar-Profiler Network over the Indonesian Maritime Continent: A GEOSS Early Achievement for Hydrological Cycle and Disaster Prevention

Manabu D. Yamanaka*1, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi*2, Shuichi Mori*1,
Pei-Ming Wu*1, Fadli Syamsudin*3, Timbul Manik*4,
Hamada Jun-Ichi*1, Masayuki K. Yamamoto*2 ,
Masayuki Kawashima*5, Yasushi Fujiyoshi*5, Namiko Sakurai*1,
Masayuki Ohi*5, Ryuichi Shirooka*1, Masaki Katsumata*1,
Yoshiaki Shibagaki*6, Toyoshi Shimomai*7, Erlansyah*4,
Wawan Setiawan*4, Bambang Tejasukmana*4,
Yusuf S. Djajadihardja*3, and Jana T. Anggadiredja*3

*1Institute of Observational Research for Global Change (IORGC), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan

*2Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University, Japan

*3Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Indonasia *4 Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Indonasia *5 Institute of Low Temperature Science (ILTS), Hokkaido University, Japan *6 Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan *7 Shimane University, Japan

January 28, 2008
March 9, 2008
February 1, 2008
meteorological disaster, maritime continent, radar network, wind profiler, GEOSS
The Hydrometeorological ARray for Isv-Monsoon AUtomonitoring (HARIMAU), a 5-year project under the Japan EOS Promotion Program (JEPP) contributing to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), has begun in 2005 to set up a radar-profiler network for observing the world's most active convective activities over the Indonesian Maritime Continent (IMC). Rainfall and wind distributions are displayed in nearly real time on the internet. Both scientific understanding and practical concepts on intraseasonal variations (ISVs) interacting with larger (seasonal and interannual) and smaller (diurnal or local) scale phenomena will be established. These are expected to contribute greatly and directly to climatic disaster prevention over the IMC and to global climate change assessment through studies on the global effects of the IMC-induced variations such as El Nino, and through construction of the first climatic database over the IMC.
Cite this article as:
M. Yamanaka, H. Hashiguchi, S. Mori, P. Wu, F. Syamsudin, T. Manik, H. Jun-Ichi, M. Yamamoto, M. Kawashima, Y. Fujiyoshi, N. Sakurai, M. Ohi, R. Shirooka, M. Katsumata, Y. Shibagaki, T. Shimomai, Erlansyah, W. Setiawan, B. Tejasukmana, Y. Djajadihardja, and J. Anggadiredja, “HARIMAU Radar-Profiler Network over the Indonesian Maritime Continent: A GEOSS Early Achievement for Hydrological Cycle and Disaster Prevention,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.3 No.1, pp. 78-88, 2008.
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