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Special Issue on Climate Change (Part 1)
Akimasa Sumi
Published:February 1, 2008
Climate change due to global warming is one of the most urgent issues for the society in the 21st century. It is anticipated that the climate change causes various impacts to our society such as natural disasters, food and water shortage, new diseases, and so on. Especially, natural disasters will give strong damage to the infrastructure of our society. When we think natural disaster, we tend to think the earthquake causes severe damage to the society, however, in reality, disaster associated with heavy rainfall is more severe. In short, changes of patterns and intensity of the precipitation is considered to cause severe impacts to the society.
Precipitation is realized in a cloud system, which is 10 km scale. This cannot be resolved in the large-scale atmospheric model, which is used to the present numerical weather prediction (NWP) and global warming simulation. Therefore, we have to interpret information given by the large-scale NWP model and climate model. For that purpose, we need knowledge about the convection system and its interaction with the large-scale circulation.
In this volume, papers relating to the understanding of convection in the present climate and the change in the future climate will be presented. A new possibility of simulating a convective system is also presented. I hope that these papers may help you to take an action to mitigate and adapt the disaster.
Cite this article as:A. Sumi, “Special Issue on Climate Change (Part 1),” J. Disaster Res., Vol.3 No.1, p. 3, 2008.Data files: