Fuzzy Clustering Method for Spherical Data Based on q-Divergence
Masayuki Higashi, Tadafumi Kondo, and Yuchi Kanzawa
Shibaura Institute of Technology
3-7-5 Toyosu, Koto, Tokyo 135-8548, Japan
This study presents a fuzzy clustering algorithm for classifying spherical data based on q-divergence. First, it is shown that a conventional method for vectorial data is equivalent to the regularization of another conventional method using q-divergence. Next, based on the knowledge that q-divergence is a generalization of Kullback-Leibler (KL)-divergence and that there is a conventional fuzzy clustering method for classifying spherical data based on KL-divergence, a fuzzy clustering algorithm for spherical data is derived based on q-divergence. This algorithm uses an optimization problem built by extending KL-divergence in the conventional method to q-divergence. Finally, some numerical experiments are conducted to verify the proposed methods.

Fuzzy clustering for spherical data
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