SIR-Extended Information Diffusion Model of False Rumor and its Prevention Strategy for Twitter
Yoshiyuki Okada*1, Keisuke Ikeda*2, Kosuke Shinoda*2,
Fujio Toriumi*3, Takeshi Sakaki*3,Kazuhiro Kazama*4,
Masayuki Numao*1, Itsuki Noda*5, and Satoshi Kurihara*2
*1The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, 8-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047, Japan
*2Graduate School of Information Systems, The University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan
*3The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
*4Department of Computer and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, 930 Sakaedani Wakayama-shi, Wakayama 640-8510, Japan
*5National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan
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