
JACIII Vol.11 No.7 pp. 745-750
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2007.p0745


Robust Output Feedback Guaranteed Cost Control of Uncertain Fuzzy Systems with Immeasurable Premise Variables

Jun Yoneyama

Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University, 5-10-1 Fuchinobe, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229-8558, Japan

November 20, 2006
May 2, 2007
September 20, 2007
Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems, premise variables, robust stabilization, output feedback control
This paper is concerned with robust output feedback stabilization with guaranteed cost of uncertain Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with immeasurable premise variables. When we consider Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems, the selection of premise variables plays an important role. If the premise variable is the state of the system, then a fuzzy system describes a wide class of nonlinear systems. However, the state is not measurable in the output feedback control problem. In this case, a control design based on parallel distributed compensation is impossible because a controller depends on immeasurable premise variables. In this paper, we consider the robust output feedback stabilization problem with guaranteed cost where the premise variable is not measurable. We formulate this problem as a robust stabilization of uncertain linear systems. Numerical examples are given to illustrate our theory.
Cite this article as:
J. Yoneyama, “Robust Output Feedback Guaranteed Cost Control of Uncertain Fuzzy Systems with Immeasurable Premise Variables,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.11 No.7, pp. 745-750, 2007.
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