
JACIII Vol.10 No.5 pp. 682-687
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2006.p0682


An Application of Binary Decision Trees to Pattern Recognition

Noboru Takagi

Department of Intelligent Systems Design Engineering, Toyama Prefectural University, 5180 Kurokawa, Imizu, Toyama 939-0398, Japan

January 11, 2006
February 20, 2006
September 20, 2006
decision rule, off-line handwriting recognition, subclass method, pattern recognition
Decision rules are a key technique in decision making, data mining and knowledge discovery in databases. We introduce an application of decision rules, handwriting pattern classification. When decision rules are applied to pattern recognition, one rule forms a hyperrectangle in feature space, i.e., each decision rule corresponds to one hyperrectangle. This means that a set of decision rules is considered a classification system, called the subclass method. We apply decision rules to handwritten Japanese character recognition, showing experimental results.
Cite this article as:
N. Takagi, “An Application of Binary Decision Trees to Pattern Recognition,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.10 No.5, pp. 682-687, 2006.
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