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Dynamic Color Object Recognition Using Fuzzy Logic
Napoleon H. Reyes* and Elmer P. Dadios**
*College of Computer Studies 2401 Taft Avenue, De La Salle University, Manila, 1004 Philippines
**Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management 2401 Taft Avenue, De La Salle University, Manila, 1004 Philippines
Received:June 25, 2003Accepted:September 9, 2003Published:January 20, 2004
Keywords:dynamic color object recognition, color constancy, contrast operators, Logit-Logistic Fuzzy Color Constancy Algorithm (LLFCC)
This paper presents a novel Logit-Logistic Fuzzy Color Constancy (LLFCC) algorithm and its variants for dynamic color object recognition. Contrary to existing color constancy algorithms, the proposed scheme focuses on manipulating a color locus depicting the colors of an object, and not stabilizing the whole image appearance per se. In this paper, a new set of adaptive contrast manipulation operators is introduced and utilized in conjunction with a fuzzy inference system. Moreover, a new perspective in extracting color descriptors of an object from the rg-chromaticity space is presented. Such color descriptors allow for the reduction of the effects of brightness/darkness and at the same time adhere to human perception of colors. The proposed scheme tremendously cuts processing time by simultaneously compensating for the effects of a multitude of factors that plague the scene of traversal, eliminating the need for image pre-processing steps. Experiment results attest to its robustness in scenes with multiple white light sources, spatially varying illumination intensities, varying object position, and presence of highlights.
Cite this article as:N. Reyes and E. Dadios, “Dynamic Color Object Recognition Using Fuzzy Logic,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.8 No.1, pp. 29-38, 2004.Data files: