
JACIII Vol.4 No.4 pp. 268-278
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2000.p0268


Emerging Intelligent Technologies in Computer-Aided Engineering

László Horváth* and Imre J. Rudas**

*Faculty of Information Technology, Institute of Applied Informatics

**Faculty of Information Technology Institute of Mathematical and Computing Science, Budapest Polytechnic Nepszinhaz u.8,Budapest, H-1081 Hungary

May 12, 2000
July 20, 2000
July 20, 2000
Computer-aided engineering, Engineering modeling, Intelligent computing, Human-computer interaction
Competition generated the requirement of quick decisions at engineering activities. As a consequence, application of advanced computer modeling in engineering design needs application of intelligent computer methods to assist human decision making. A powerful CAD/CAM system with a comprehensive range of sophisticated modeling tools for describing engineering objects and programming tools for creating modeling procedures constitutes an appropriate environment to accept intelligent methods. The only way of survival for companies producing mechanical products on the competitive edge seems application of advanced modeling together with intelligent decision making. Much modeling, problem solving, database handling, visualization and other methods are involved in a typical computer-based engineering process. This process recently relies upon an integrated set of modeling tools and an integrated product database. Involving intelligent computer methods is a great challenge in this field. This paper surveys advanced modeling from the point of view of application of intelligent methods. It is organized as follows. A characterization of state of the art in advanced engineering modeling reveals important issues to be discussed in this paper. Following this, worldwide network-based group work of engineers is discussed. Human computer interaction (HCI) and network communication methods as important aspects of computer-aided engineering are outlined. Then recent development results in modeling of mechanical systems with special emphasis on integrated modeling of mechanical products, especially well-engineered shapes, are introduced. Finally, virtual manufacturing as an area of involving intelligent methods in CAD/CAM technology is discussed.
Cite this article as:
L. Horváth and I. Rudas, “Emerging Intelligent Technologies in Computer-Aided Engineering,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.4 No.4, pp. 268-278, 2000.
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