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Tracking Control of Variable Structure Using Fuzzy Variable Boundary Layer
Heejin Lee**, Dong-Yon Kim***, Taeck-Kie Lee****, Sang-Hoon Kim**, and Mignon Park*
*Intelligent Control and System Lab., Dept. of Electronic Engr., Yonsei University 134, Shinchon-dong, Sudaemun-ku, Seoul, 120-749, Korea
**Dept. of Control and Instrumentation Engr., Hankyong National University
***Dept. of Electronic Engr., Hankyong National University
****Dept. of Electrical Engr., Hankyong National University 67, Seokjeong-dong, Ansung, Kyonggi, 456-749, Korea
Received:April 16, 1997Accepted:May 14, 1999Published:August 20, 1999
Keywords:Variable structure system, Fuzzy algorithms, Variable boundary layer
Control gain greatly affects variable structure system (VSS) performance as a system design parameter. The thin boundary layer used to eliminate chatter neighbors the sliding surface. Sliding control based on a variable boundary layer tracks better than a fixed layer. We propose variable structure control using fuzzy algorithms in control gain and the boundary layer to increase tracking efficiency, proving its feasibility in application to a simple nonlinear system.
Cite this article as:H. Lee, D. Kim, T. Lee, S. Kim, and M. Park, “Tracking Control of Variable Structure Using Fuzzy Variable Boundary Layer,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.3 No.4, pp. 332-338, 1999.Data files: