
IJAT Vol.14 No.5 pp. 744-756
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2020.p0744


Development of Production Internet Framework for Value Creation

Stanisław Strzelczak*,**,†, Rong Kang**, and Fernando Castaño***

*Lab of Industrial Ecosystemics, Warsaw University of Technology
85 Narbutta, Warsaw 02-524, Poland

Corresponding author

**School of Economics and Management, Northwest University, Shaanxi, China

***Centre for Automation and Robotics, Spanish National Research Council, Technical University of Madrid, Arganda del Rey, Spain

January 29, 2020
July 16, 2020
September 5, 2020
production ecosystems, Production Internet, evolutionary capabilities, homeostatic capabilities, eco-systemic intelligence

Exponential technologies, if blended with advantageous conceptual setups, enable innovative developments for Internet-based production ecosystems. The focus of this study is on developing a support mechanism for homeostatic and evolutionary abilities in large-scale production environments. Starting from a reflection on the state-of-the-art, a suitable framework was developed for the conceptualization of Internet-based production ecosystems. Based on augmented context awareness and eco-systemic intelligence, homeostatic and adaptive abilities were designed, and used along with the operational controls to maintain the homeostasis of loads, workflows, and variability, and facilitate the long-term adaptation of the actors. The latter may comprise self-made adaptation of human and digital actors, as well as externally supported modification of functions operated by cyber-agents. The advantage of the proposed solutions is twofold: firstly, stakeholders can improve their performance and adaptability; and secondly, they can also benefit from non-selfish behaviors.

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S. Strzelczak, R. Kang, and F. Castaño, “Development of Production Internet Framework for Value Creation,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.14 No.5, pp. 744-756, 2020.
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